Monday 24 February 2014


A Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC) meeting was held in Lilongwe on 19th and 20th February, 2014. The aim of the meeting was to review and develop a draft of a revised advocacy strategy for CISONECC, with the objective of setting realistic achievable expectations. It was facilitated by Raja Jarrah, a consultant for Southern Voices on Climate Change.
CISONECC with funding from Southern Voices developed an advocacy strategy in July, 2011 for implementation till December, 2015. The advocacy strategy goal is ‘Reduced vulnerability of all Malawians to Climate Change related impacts and disasters’ and it had the following objectives;
  1. To influence Government to put in place an effective coordination mechanism on climate change intervention by 2012
  2. To influence Government and donors to build the capacity of civil society organizations to mobilize, access and utilize existing climate change funding opportunities by 2012
  3. To influence Government to put in place a framework to improve the understanding of climate change issues among Malawians by 2012
  4. To influence Government to develop a comprehensive Climate Change Policy by 2012
  5. To influence Government and donors on the implementation of the Climate Change Policy by 2013
  6. To lobby Government and donors to strengthen the capacity of additional negotiators to COP by November, 2011
However, it was felt that the strategy was a bit more ambitious considering the limitations of time and funds. This facilitated the need to review the strategy for easy tracking of progress but also incorporate new developments in climate change management and create room for any emerging issues.
Current Climate Change Policy Processes in Malawi
-          Disaster and Risk Management policy draft in place waiting for cabinet approval
-          National Climate Change Policy being drafted
-          National Climate Change Investment Plan in place
-          Review of NAPA1 (National Adaptation Programmes for Action) in process
-          Development of National Adaptation Plan (NAP2) road map in process
-          REDD+ readiness program objectives being developed
-          Process to identify National Implementing Entity (for adaptation funds) in progress
Priority Areas for CISONECC
Through a SMART process (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) of prioritizing CISONECC resorted to get involved in the advocacy of the following agenda items;
-          National Adaptation Planning
Objective; National adaptation priorities are established based on community-driven processes
-          Identification and operation of National Implementing Entity
Objective; National institutional mechanism for adaptation funding, from sources under the UNFCCC, gives direct access to civil society organisations
-          Approval of DRM policy, development and implementation of Climate Change policy
Objective; CC and DRM policy instruments are approved and multi-stakeholder monitoring of implementation is influencing the design of plans and programmes
Climate Change and the Right to Food Campaign
Oxfam as a member of CISONECC presented on a campaign it is carrying out worldwide on climate justice and right to food with the focus on adaptation. The campaign will run for two years and it will reach the climax with rural women climbing 3 mountain peaks with the message ‘hands of our land’. CISONECC will coordinate the development of a strategy for the campaign in Malawi with funds from Oxfam.
Capacity Building and Visibility
In line with the revised strategy CISONECC intends to conduct trainings in ‘Climate Financing and Resource Mobilization’ and ‘Climate Risks and Hazards Assessment. It is also encouraging members to take part in the upcoming ‘Climate Reality Leadership Workshop’ in South Africa and ‘Community Based Adaptation’ conference in Nepal. It has also developed a website  with member organization represented on its work and logos. CISONECC is also the only African network to get involved in the implementation of Joint Adaptation Standards through Southern Voices on Climate Change

The meeting was a build up from the proceedings of CoP 19 where Civil Society through CISONECC contributed to the government position and negotiations in Warsaw. An effective advocacy strategy has been put in place which will allow member to engage in Climate Change campaign and utilize CISONECC influence on civil society and government in addition to influencing the policy landscape.

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